Personalized cancellation flows

Lower cancellations and boost retention by automatically personalizing the cancellation flow for each customer. Cut down on active churn, without having to become an offboarding expert.

Increase LTV

Retain more customers, automatically

Continue focusing on your ordinary responsibilities

A traditional cancel button is a missed opportunity for your subscription business. Leverage it instead to gain insights and meet customer needs. Enterprise companies have dedicated teams to study and test ways to prevent churn during these critical moments, but with Refloat, you don’t need a specialized team.

Transform your cancel button into a powerful retention lever. It’s the simplest step you can take right now to meaningfully enhance customer retention.

Segmentation, at scale

Not all customers are created equal—differing not only in their value to your business but also in the reasons they may be considering leaving.

Through ongoing experimentation and machine learning, Refloat fine-tunes the cancellation flow for each customer.

Unique win-back offer

For your most valuable customers, the most effective retention offer might be a $52 one-time discount, whereas an 11% discount for the next three billing cycles could be best for retaining flaky customers.

For those on quarterly plans showing a drop in recent activity, offering a 5-week subscription pause might just do the trick.

Integrated with Stripe

Refloat connects directly to Stripe and analyzes all your customers—both current and past— segmenting them into cohorts by criteria such as subscription duration, total spend, flakiness, type of subscription plan, and engagement.

These data points, along with other factors, help determine the most effective cancellation flow to persuade each customer to stay.

Optimized retention offers

Offers are optimised to be both effective and economical. If customers in a cohort can be retained with a 9% discount, there's no need to offer 20%.

For those experiencing technical issues, Refloat might recommend a support agent reach out instead of offering a discount.

Retention offers

Subscription pauses

Allow customers to put their subscriptions on hold instead of forcing a cancellation. Refloat automates the entire process, seamlessly resuming the subscription when the pause ends. Plus, if the customer visits your website while paused, they'll be greeted by Refloat's Pause wall, equipped with a simple one-click button to resume their subscription.

Plan adjustments

Customer needs change over time. Let them effortlessly switch plans instead of canceling their subscription. Whether upgrading, downgrading, or transitioning to hidden plans, Refloat analyzes the customer's activity and other factors to recommend the most suitable plan.

Discount types

From one-time to recurring, and from percentages to fixed amounts, Refloat tests various discount strategies to see which is most effective for your different customer segments. We then fine-tune the cancel flow further, finding the lowest discount that still yields optimal results.

Support access

A discount or pause will not resolve the concerns of a customer experiencing technical difficulties. For these situations, we facilitate communication between the customer and your support team, by either direct integration with Intercom, or by notifying your support staff via Slack or email.

Trial extension

Some customers need more time to see the full value of your product. Don't let them churn after you've successfully guided them through most of the sales funnel. Refloat allows these users to extend their trials, giving you extra time to prove the value of your product.

Integrating Refloat is simple


Create your Refloat account

No credit card needed. Entirely free for SaaS founders with less than $10k MRR.


Connect to Stripe

One-click button to authorize Refloat to connect to your Stripe account.


Add the Refloat snippet

Refloat's client-side Javascript module needs to be added to your website


Update cancel button

Replace the current cancel button by initializing and displaying Refloat's cancel flow.



That's all that's to it.

Gain insights from categorized feedback

Understand where your product excels, where it faces technical issues, and where customers feel it lacks value. Refloat analyzes and categorizes all free-form text feedback received during the cancellation flow, offering clear insights into how much each category contributes to customer churn.

Retention made easier

While you focus on creating an outstanding product, Refloat’s data-driven and automated solution fine-tunes subscription lifecycle processes so you retain even more customers.