Retain more customers, automatically

Reduce churn by up to 20% by replacing your company’s traditional cancel button and failed payment process with tailored, personalized flows for each customer, automatically.

Refloat integrates directly with Stripe and analyzes all your customers—both current and past—segmenting them into cohorts by criteria such as subscription duration, total spend, flakiness and engagement. These factors, together with automatic experimentation, help determine the most effective cancellation flow and failed payment recovery playbook for every customer.

Although subscription lifecycle management is distant from your product offering, you’ll be surprised by the significant impact these processes have on customer retention. Transform your traditional cancel button and dunning emails into powerful revenue boosters. It’s the simplest step you can take right now to meaningfully enhance customer retention.

Personalized cancellation flows

Reduce cancellations and boost retention by up to 20% by automatically personalizing the cancellation flow for each customer.

A highly valuable customer, canceling due to infrequent use, might respond best to a $52 one-time discount, while an 11% discount for the next three billing cycles could be ideal for retaining a flaky customer.

Failed payment recovery

Stop losing revenue from customers who want to pay you. According to Visa and Mastercard, 15% of recurring payments are declined.

Refloat uses optimized email campaigns, in-app notifications and paywalls, together with user-friendly credit card capture forms and ongoing experimentation so you get rid of involuntary churn.

Data-driven, automated & consistently improved

When was the last time you ran an A/B test on your cancel flow? How often do you reach statistical significance? What percentage of recurring payments fail for you? How many times per quarter do you iterate on the user experience when a payment fails?

Managing the subscription lifecycle isn't part of your core product or expertise. Delegate it to Refloat and experience the positive impact on your business.


Extensive data collection, segmentation and analysis is conducted to ensure that the optimal flow to retain each individual customer is run.


Keep your team focused on innovating and improving your product. Refloat's automated churn prevention solution will boost revenue for you.


We obsess over continuous testing, because even the smallest improvements have compounding effects on your business.

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

That’s why:

Our cancellation flow toolbox includes numerous tactics to retain customers, such as subscription pauses, various discount types (percentage or fixed amount, one-time or recurring), trial extensions, and plan adjustments (upgrades or downgrades or switches to hidden plans), along with direct access to support.

Our failed payment recovery toolkit encompasses in-app alerts, emails, text messages, paywalls, and popup forms for capturing new payment methods directly on your website. We also implement automatic payment retries with advanced logic tailored to specific failure reasons and customer groups, complemented by dunning offers.

We continuously test these tools on your different customer segments, ensuring that the resulting playbook is finely tuned and personalized for maximum retention efficiency.

Retention made easier

While you focus on creating outstanding products, Refloat’s data-driven and automated solution fine-tunes subscription lifecycle processes so you retain even more customers.